Skill Focus
- IBM Deutschland GmbH / Techniker KrankenkasseSenior iOS DeveloperBANKEN & VERSICHERUNGENFebruar 2020 - Heute (5 Jahre)Hamburg, DeutschlandDevelopment of the electronic health record, EHR (Elektronische Patientenakte, ePA) compliant to the comprehensive requirements of the german Federal Ministry of Health. The whole feature module is implemented as own Pod dependency for the TK-App and written in Swift, using MVVM pattern, RxSwift and Combine for reactive programming and a lot of more state-of-the-art technologies. A huge test coverage with unit tests (> 92%) and UI tests ensures the code quality, additional to very strict pull request requirements. The huge team worked in an agile project setup according to SCRUM. The whole development is a co working project between TK and IBM as data holder.iOS | Swift | RxSwift | Electronic Health Record (EHR, ePA) | Git | GitHub | Jenkins | SCRUM | eHealth | Healthcare | Federal Ministry of Health
- DB Cargo AGFrontend Developer, UX DesignerLOGISTIK & SUPPLY CHAINSeptember 2019 - Dezember 2019 (4 Monate)Dresden, DeutschlandDevelopment of a web application to digitalize the damage diagnostics of goods wagons. The frontend was implemented with Angular 8, combined with a Redux/NGRX based state and store machine. The design approach was a combination between Corporate Design and Angular Material. We had a weekly design refinement, where my in Sketch designed UX and UI proposals could be discussed. I introduced Zeplin collaboration tool between design and development.
- T-Systems International GmbHSenior iOS DeveloperTELEKOMMUNIKATIONOktober 2018 - August 2019 (11 Monate)Dresden, DeutschlandIntroducing a new IoT solution for car sharing and access. The native iOS app was written in Swift using MVVM pattern for comfortable unit testing with XCTest and ReactiveCocoa for a highly reactiveness. The app could share the car location via GPS. Authorised persons were able to get access to released vehicles, by a push notification and bluetooth based virtual key exchange from Valeo SDK. The distributed team worked in an agile project setup according to SCRUM. I built also a convenient CI/CD with Gitlab, fastlane and Testflight, but also advised for iOS specific usability approaches.
Pantea Kock empfiehlt Felix
Wir konnten mit seiner Mithilfe die im Projekt gesetzten KPIs bzgl. Qualität und Zeit erfüllen.
Ich danke Felix für die wertvolle Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit und wünsche ihm weiterhin viel Erfolg.
- Wirtschaftsinformatik, B.Sc.FOM University of Applied Science Munich2016
- FachinformatikerPwC AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft2009