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Kasia D.

UX & Product Designer
2 Empfehlungen
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    EUR 600 /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung3-7 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit4h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Kasia annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Berlin und Umkreis (bis zu 10 km)

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Kasia in wenigen Worten
UX/UI designer dedicated to designing quality products. I'm someone who's big on communication and co-creation in a team. I bring structure and clarity. I would love to work in a team of people sharing a similar vision and bring forth new ideas and innovations, collaboratively.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Hybrid Heroes
    UX/UI Designer
    März 2022 - März 2024 (2 Jahre)
    Berlin, Germany
    Hybrid Heroes is a software studio that conceives, designs and develops digital products for mobile, web and desktop.
    • Designed interfaces for web and mobile apps for multiple clients, with a strong focus on complex B2B apps in IoT and building automation field
    • Developed and maintained design systems and components Conducted research, user interviews and competitor analysis to
    • ensure user-centric design and advocated for the users along the design process
    • Planned and conducted usability testing sessions, summarized insights and used them to inform further design iterations
    • Facilitated internal workshops for ideation, brainstorming and user story mapping and established co-creation sessions
    • Collaborated in cross-functional teams, presented and communicated design solutions to project stakeholders
  • Roombles GmbH
    UX Designer
    September 2020 - September 2020
    Berlin, Deutschland
    The Roombles team is building a video-based e-commerce app. My role was to map out the app and its functionalities and design some of the screens.
    information architecture wireframing User Experience Design User Interface Design
    UX/UI Designer
    Mai 2020 - Juni 2020 (1 Monat)
    Berlin, Deutschland
    UNOWN is a sustainable fashion leasing start-up. My role in the project was to design the app for members so that they can have an overview of the leased pieces as well as the access to the selection of new pieces. I collaborated with one of the founders to determine the necessary features, then I designed the user flows and the screens going from low-fidelity paper sketches to high-fidelity clickable prototype with 70+ screens which we tested for usability.
    User Experience Design User Interface Design
2 externe Empfehlungen
Eric BrentEB
Eric Brent
Kasia is a very talented and focused designer. She was able to add structure and hierarchy to our project, and laid out a road-map to a functional product. Highly recommended.
Tina SpiessmacherTS
Tina Spiessmacher
Leasing for Good UG / Unown fashion
Working with Kasia is simply amazing! Her work is inspired and well thought out in detail. I especially enjoyed her way of working in fast iterations. Because of this we could easily incorporate feedback and results of user testings and achieved a great result in a short time.

Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Certified UX Designer
    CareerFoundry, Berlin
  • UX Designer
    CareerFoundry, Berlin
    User research User Interface Design User Experience Design Wireframing Prototyping Usability testing